Utilising LIGR’s platform to produce automated graphics and run brand campaigns with Football NSW
Perform Group
Sportscast Australia
Rights Holder
Football NSW
Youtube and Facebook
Graphics Workflow
LIGR into Cloudmix (Cloud Vision Mixer) - Off-Site
Streaming Encoder
To produce graphics and branding campaigns for over 450 games per year across Football NSW's National Premier League Mens and Women's Competitions, while integrating real-time Perform Group match data and statistics. This was an increase in games of over 10x from the previous season.
Look extremely professional and design graphics based on Football Federation Australia's brand guideline. Have the capability to run multiple branding campaigns through LIGR’s “Smart Campaign” platform. Ingest team data from Perform Group's API. Provide a consistent, professional and standardised look and feel across the entire 450 games. Be cost efficient to scale across a very large number of games.
Providing LIGR's platform to Football NSW to upload and manage their own assets and branding campaigns, while providing access to their on-site production team and virtual monitoring team to overlay LIGR's graphics on AUTO mode to remove the need for a graphics operator, all done in a cloud and virtual environment. Brand campaigns are run automatically, linked to each particular competition and the home and away teams in each particular game.

"By teaming up with LIGR, not only can we ensure our fans get to experience a professional and highly engaging broadcast of our NPL competitions, with match statistic integration and TV quality graphics, it allows us to produce more content at a higher quality that was simply not possible with traditional solutions. Since implementing the broadcast technology we have significantly increased our viewership and attracted new partners, that we seamlessly manage and display automatically in our broadcasts due to LIGR's smart campaign manager. We look forward to continuing to innovate together as we push football in New South Wales towards the forefront of live streaming capability and delivery"

“Using LIGR has helped us shape how we approach the market with our sponsorship offerings. To be able to work with a group that continually looks and asks how they can make their product better makes a big difference.”